Monday, March 30, 2009

Culture Inquiry Project topic details

For my Culture Inquiry project I intend to take a look at bookstores and libraries in urban areas and whether or not they encourage or discourage adolescent literacy practices within them. I want to take a look at how accessible these institutions are to adolescents who live in these areas, the types of activities available, their atmospheres and offerings.

I intend to collect my data by simple observations, surveys, and materials available at these locations. The different types of data I will collect will include:
• Location of bookstores
• Location of libraries
• Location of schools
• Location of housing relative to the aforementioned
• Hours of operation
• Window displays
• Layouts
• Event calendars
• Number of computers available (in libraries)
• Selection sizes
• Bus routes, schedules, and fees

Questions I may ask on my survey may include:
• Do you like going to the library or bookstore?
• Why do you go to these institutions?
• What do you like/dislike about them?
• When you first arrive, what area do you head to first? Why?
• How often do you go?
• Is it easy for you to get to them?
• What could they do to make you more interested in going?
• Do they make you want to read more?
• What topics interest you? Do these places offer enough on the topic(s)?

1 comment:

  1. As someone who loves books and used reading as an escape during childhood, I think this is an really good inquiry. I also personally think that books have gotten expensive. This cause me wonder what other institutions have lending libraries, or places to donate books. I ask because our local beautician does this, and a lot of libraries sell old books for 25 cents, which is a good deal.
